Thursday, July 16, 2015

2015 Garden - Part 3 (photo heavy)

There's something surreal about how quickly the garden grows in July. Two weeks ago, I had cute little plants. Today? It's a jungle out there!

From the street, our garden has finally begun to take on a jungle appearance. It's still filling in, but the dinner-plate sized zucchini leaves, intermingling with the twining melon and  cucumbers - all in beautiful golden bloom right now, is quite the sight. I can ALMOST sit at the bistro table hidden from view right now!

The inspiring part of our garden right now, is the close-ups. I love a photo of tangling twining vines, but let's see some FOOD already!  Here it is! 

There are dozens of peppers, hundreds of tomatoes, and I counted a dozen "fingerling" zucchini this morning. I have at least 50 cucumber blossoms, but I haven't seen the telltale swell of fruit just yet. The same is true with our melons. But our garden is SO pretty right now!

The rest of our yard is also in full bloom right now. The lilacs & rose have long since spent their blossoms, but July is lily-season here. All of the lilies from my mother's garden are up and in their full beauty right now. I don't often share flower photos, but please enjoy a walk through my front yard.

We have had so many struggles over this past year, and there are several new struggles vying for our time right now. By this fall, we are hoping to have the finances together to start building a wheelchair ramp to our front door. I will be landscaping the side-yard at the same time into a pretty contemplation-garden in blues and whites... but our spirits are low.

At least for a moment, while the lilies are in full bloom, I can sit and contemplate the beautiful things in life.

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