Tuesday, June 11, 2019

2019 Garden Part 2 - the oasis returns

What a difference two weeks can make in our tiny urban oasis! It may only be 8 feet wide and 16 feet long. It may be a deck in the city, surrounded by highways and polluted soil. But it's ours, and once again it is a thriving example of beauty in the face of adversity.

Two weeks ago,  we had seedlings and bare earth. Now we are regularly harvesting our herbs, starting to collect strawberries,  and watching our tomatoes and beans reach for the sky!

The tomatoes are blossoming. The peppers and parsnips are thriving. The strawberries are delicious. The carrots have gone crazy. The beans are as tall as me, and the cucumbers have started. The salad greens are doing well, the herbs are taking over, and our marshmallows have taken over their container.

Harvests are wonderful, but they signal the end in a garden. Right now, the time for worrying over seedlings is over. Right now, the plants are growing their fastest. Right now, the blossoms are forming new promises of  wonderful things to come.

(please excuse the shaky camera; my body can't "do" steady anymore) Here is our oasis, two weeks after planting.

THIS is my favorite time in the garden.

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