Nothing like starting the year by procrastinating, right? Here I am, a full week into the new year & only now getting around to compiling my annual goals. This is actually fairly important to me - because what I write down, I tend to accomplish. What I only tell myself I will do, doesn't always happen.
For me, this is a time to sit down & go over the last year, and ponder what "worked" and what "needs changing" and plan to change one or two things in order to improve my life. I like to break things down by category, and change a little from several areas of my life rather than simply focusing on one aspect of me. So for THIS year, these are the things I would like to change.
God & Family
* I will be incorporating structured Bible studies into our Wednesday lesson plans. We already do Bible memorization, but it's time to STUDY now too!
Around the House
* We have had a daily chore-schedule for years... starting this year, we will be USING it to keep our house company-ready & de-cluttered at all times.
* And this leads to my second goal... I have been making the kids work in their rooms for 15 minutes each morning, but have NOT done so myself. This year they are holding Mama accountable... when they do their 15 minutes, Mama works in HER room too!
and Just for ME
* I will be working on losing another 30 pounds this year... more would be nice, but when I lose weight slower, I tend to keep it off.
* And finally... this year I am putting my crafting on the calendar as well. The kids are old enough that I can "steal" two hours each week, so starting now every:
1st Saturday
is sewing day
2nd Saturday is paper scrapbooking day
3rd Saturday is "miscellaneous crafting" day
and 4th Saturday is digital scrapbooking day.
None of these are lofty goals... at the moment I am much more interested in being able to accomplish each of my goals than in creating imposing lists that sap my time & motivation. So now it's time to get everything written on the calendar, and begin the changes!